
Massachusetts Food for Massachusetts Kids is a statewide advocacy effort by a network of partners and farm to school advocates working to support schools and districts in the following areas:

  • Maximizing equitable access to meals at school for all students

  • Strengthening school meals, including maximizing the use of locally grown and produced foods and providing meals that are culturally connected to diverse student populations

  • Offering engaging food education and experiential garden-based learning to all students

We are currently focused on establishing a permanent farm to school grant program and local food incentive within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

As active members of the Feed Kids Coalition, we are celebrating the recent establishment of universal free meals for all students in Massachusetts public K-12 schools!


Get Involved

Your voice is needed to make this vision of a healthy, resilient, and equitable school food environment a reality. 

There are lots of ways you can get involved, from contacting your legislators, to submitting written testimony in support of a bill, to participating in our monthly coalition meetings. Sign up to receive updates and announcements about upcoming meetings or events.

The Massachusetts Food for Massachusetts Kids Coalition meets on the first Thursday of the month to move this advocacy effort forward. Register here.

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Policy Priorities

In this legislative session we are focusing on a bill to establish a permanent farm to school grant program and local food incentive program. Click the button below to learn more about these priority bills.

Share with Your Networks.


We need your help building the network of supporters for these bills. Can you help spread the word?

Click the button below to see sample social media text you can use and edit to share with your friends & colleagues.